Cyber Primed

New brand, printed collateral and a website for a national cyber crime prevention standard.


Cyber Primed is a 6 monthly reviewed standard and policies similar to GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre’s requirements and the ISO standards, that provides clients, customers, staff, suppliers, regulators and insurers with verifiable independent evidence that steps have been taken to prevent cyber attack.

I was asked by a long standing client to come up with a new design and site for a brand new product, Cyber Primed. The client already had an idea of what the logo should look like but everything was up for grabs. I went for a clean technical look, came up with the #getprimed tag line and added a bright pink highlight – you’re never going to miss or forget it!

All the work including the site was developed & put together within 7 days of being briefed to hit an important meeting.

Result? New business win!